9 Out Of 10 People Forget Their Million-Dollar Ideas In 3 Seconds— Here’s How I Capture Every Single One With My Second Brain OS

The greatest threat to creativity isn’t lack of ideas—it’s the anxiety of losing them.


When you’re in a flow state, your ideas start connecting in ways you never expected. And this always happen in unplanned, chaotic bursts: long walks, warm showers, middle of the night and so on.


But how you capture ideas can disrupt this natural flow.


And it doesn’t matter whether you take notes digitally or on paper. If capturing has too many steps, your brain will lose the idea stream.

  • Switching tabs
  • Looking for paper
  • Picking up pens or pencils
  • Opening apps or note pads
  • Finding the right google doc or notion page
  • Trying to remember the label, tag or color code


And just like creativity, disruptions don’t have a clock either.


You can’t predict when

  • Your WiFi will take a break from you
  • Your ex will surprise you with the past
  • Your neighbour’s dog will start barking


If your capture system can’t keep up with the speed of your thoughts or it isn’t prepared for disruptions, you will loose your best ideas.


And it will prick like a needle each time.


But it gets worse.


This also creates a gap between knowing the answer and finding it again and again… landing you back on Google search for something you ALREADY FIGURED OUT


When faced with a solved problem, your feelings are at odds: comfort because the big picture of how you did it is clear, but anxiety because the tiny details are distant memories.


Tell me if you can relate:



I can’t tell you how many times I’ve struggled to find client templates, automations and documents like my passport from google drive.


I’ve learnt the hard way that past solutions are only valuable if you can find them exactly when you need them.


Why is why your capture workflow needs to match the speed of thought and connect new knowledge to past knowledge instantly. Without this, you can’t take advantage of:

  • post workout wisdom
  • midnight breakthroughs
  • viral ideas that pop up when you’re watching YouTube Videos or reading articles
  • or connections that happen when you’re on a long walk or have just come out of the shower

Here’s how I’ve fixed the capture problem with my Second Brain Operating System


With the Second Brain OS, I capture ideas at the speed of thought in under 3 seconds:

  • There’s a widget on my phone’s lock screen
  • There’s a shortcut on my laptop’s keyboard
  • And for my voice there’s always, “Hey Siri, Add an Idea”


Whether I am coming out of the shower, or have woken up at 2.23 am with a breakthrough, this lets me zap ideas to my Second Brain OS in a flash.


And every captured idea instantly joins a living network of knowledge


Remember how I said ideas have sex with each other in your brain?


It’s insane how fast this happens in my Second Brain OS.


Each new idea I capture automatically joins a cluster of related thoughts in 0.001 seconds. And I NEVER have to tag, link or organise my notes in any way.


And the best part? When I need to find something, there’s no more “WHERE IS IT?” panic or search anxiety of having to look through a dozen apps, google drive, email, etc.


Instead, I have the comfort that when I search for my original idea, I will instantly be met with the exact thought going through my head.


And sometimes, I even find connections I could have never imagined.


This power to rapidly capture & connect with 0 friction has turned me into idea generation machine.


  • Random thoughts evolve into viral content
  • Client calls feel like ready-to-use frameworks
  • Reading books turns into real-time content creation
  • Every YouTube video becomes a brainstorming session
  • Newsletters become filtered research where someone else did the heavy lifting


No app switching. No notepads. No lost ideas.


Just instant capture and endless connections.


Today’s Action Step:

Time how long it takes you to capture an idea right now. If it’s more than 3 seconds, you’re losing ideas.

P.S. Can’t wait to start capturing ideas? See the Second Brain OS in action and install it now:
