Loosing 3-5 breakthrough ideas daily to bad memory
Missing post-workout wisdom, midnight breakthroughs or viral shower thoughts
Battling with page 3 of google to recall solutions to problems you solved 6 months ago
Creating a new chat with Claude or ChatGPT every 13 minutes because “This conversation is too long”
Copying & Pasting the same context 47 Times a day to explain the same thing to AI over and over again
Being sold prompts that look good in screenshots, but give you generic AI Content that gets 0.4% engagement when you run them
Watching other soloprenuers build an email list that waits & labels for their weekly newsletter
Witnessing the competition build 1,000-person waitlists & make over $10,000 within 30 days of their course launch (while you’re still stuck in draft mode)
Go from “I have so many ideas trapped in 10 different notepads & apps” to a 30 day content creation streak that gets your profile noticed 5 times a day, and gives you pre-sold subscribers who will spike your Stripe dashboard